Inaugural Scientific Meeting of the WSPCHS
Tetralogy of Fallot Washington, DC, May 3–4, 2007

World Summit on Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery Services, and Education and Cardiac Care
Montreal, Canada, June 19–21, 2008

2nd Scientific Meeting at the World Congress or Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Care
Atrio Ventricular; Septal Defect Cairns, Australia, June 21–26, 2009

Special Multi-Societal Joint Meeting Dedicated to Aldo R. Castañeda
Antigua, Guatemala, July 15–17, 2010 TGA, ccTGA

Regional Meeting of The World Society for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery
Shanghai, China, October 21–23, 2010 Heterotaxy Syndrome

3rd Scientific Meeting & Annual Members Meeting of the WSPCHS
Istanbul, Turkey, June 23–26, 2011 Functionally Univentricular Heart

Joint Meeting of the WSPCHS and Sociedad Latina de Cardiologia y Cirugia Cardiovascular Pediatrica
Lima, Peru, March 17–21, 2012 Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connections and other Pulmonary Vein Anomalies

Joint Meeting of the WSPCHS and Sociedad Latina de Cardiologia y Cirugia Cardiovascular Pediatrica
Lima, Peru, March 17–21, 2012 Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connections and other Pulmonary Vein Anomalies

WSPCHS Annual Members Meeting at the 6th World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
Cape Town, South Africa, February 17–22, 2013

4th Scientific Meeting & Annual Members Meeting of the WSPCHS
Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 17–20, 2014 Left Heart Lesions

Joint Meeting of the World Society for Pediatric And Congenital Heart Surgery, Sociedad Latina de Cardiología y Cirurgía Cardiovascular Pediátrica, Sociedad Colombiana de Cardiología
Cartagena, Columbia, Febuary 25–28, 2015 Pulmonary Atresia, Intact Ventricular Septum and Pulmonary Atresia, Ventricular Septal Defect

Regional Meeting of the World Society for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery
Kyoto, Japan, November 27–28, 2015 Ventriculo Arterial Connections

5th Scientific Meeting & Annual Members Meeting of the WSPCHS
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, October 27–30, 2016 Adult Congenital Heart Disease

WSPCHS Annual Members Meeting at the 7th World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
Barcelona, Spain, July 16–21, 2017

6th Scientific Meeting & Annual Members Meeting of the WSPCHS
Orlando, Florida, July 23–26, 2018 Management Of Hypoplastic Ventricles

Joint ECHSA and WSPCHS Meeting
Sofia, Bulgaria, June 20–22, 2019 Surgical Management of the Critically Ill Neonate and Infant

WSPCHS Bali Regional Scientific Meeting
Bali, Indonesia, November 28–30, 2019 The Arterial Switch Operation: From A To Z

7th Scientific Meeting & Annual Members Meeting of the WSPCHS
Marrakesh, Morocco, June 15–19, 2022 Tetralogy Of Fallot And Rheumatic Mitral Valve Disease

8th Scientific Meeting and Annual Members Meeting at the 8th World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
Washington, USA, August 27–September 1, 2023

9th Scientific Meeting and Annual Members Meeting at the World Summit for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery
Bologna, Italy, June 5–8, 2024